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              Stands for Hyper Adaptive & Territorial Coherent Habitat. We design and implement long term sustainable human settlements from housing to urban and territorial planning. We rely on innovative techniques to implement designs that conjugate climatic, geographical and biological resources of a territory to serve and sustain its inhabitants, human and non-human. Our designs intend to not only resist major environmental and climate challenges, but take advantage and strive on them. That is hyper adaptation...

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Ecole Hors Murs


      Is a project launched by educational experts and innovators who are rethinking education according to a fast changing world, answering tomorrow’s expectations with today’s technology. It is about joining teachers’s human abilities to knowledge’s access capacities of Internet. It is facilitating the natural curiosity of children to explore, within guidelines, the dynamics between the richness & depth of the natural world and the diversity & extensiveness of the virtual one. It intends to bring an intelligent and cautious access to modernity in remote and still preserved area.

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Acting Witness


    Is a multimedia production developing communication programs that includes short documentary film series, printed information materials, posters and boardgames elaborated in order to arise local community awareness about social and environmental practices that are potentially detrimental to their livelihood. It has two target audiences, the primary one is the protagonists themselves the secondary one is the national and international audience. The action aims at establishing a dialogue and space of reflection within communities that objectify the issue, allowing its de-dramatization and exposing to all stakeholders its complexity, leading eventually to locally elaborated and implemented actions and programs.

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Ripple Watch


    Is gathering and coordinating scholars and hands-on experts working from ridges to rivers, to reefs on a cooperative approach with indigenous and local people to study how food security and biodiversity integrity could cohabit and under which conditions. We study watersheds as socio-ecological adaptive complex systems, from geographic to microscopic scales, to understand the limits and thresholds that rule this precarious dynamical balance. We are in the process of building and equipping a “FabLab”, an open multi-disciplinary research laboratory, which will be the essential interface between traditional knowledge and high-end technologies. It is about gathering precise metric to harmonize the landscape and seascape with a restoring economy.

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Terra Farming

    In term of greenhouse effect gases, loss of biodiversity or soil exhaustion, agriculture comes on top of the usual suspects list. Yet, according to permaculture principles, being a global problem, make it also one of the most potent solutions. This goes 10.000 years back, when humans discovered that turning soil to aerate it was boosting food production. It was the very first “mechanical” revolution. The second one came after the 2nd world war through the massive use of entrants, fertilizers and biocides, boosting further the yield records. That was the “chemical” revolution, paradoxically called the green one. Now, history and high-tech survey instruments allow to evaluate these past revolutions. They appear massively destructive on the long term. Their benefits are short term, gained at the expenses of all future generations. We are in fact loosing soil at accelerated pace, worldwide, cutting virgin forests to make up for the surfaces lost.


    But it seems a 3rd revolution, a “biological” one, could restore soil production and productivity. Relying on traditional practice and recent microbiology studies this project intend to experiment at geographical scale this new source of hope.



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Projects Management


Philippe COUTURE

Philippines +63 918 252 6127

Hong Kong +852 5304 6717

France       +33 6 1521 8544

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